Today is April 20th, 2024.

This is Adolf Hitler’s birthday. For those of you who do not know who Hitler was, he was a German artist, soldier and statesman who wrote a best selling book called Mein Kampf. In this book he describes the many problems Germany had with a subversive group of individuals known as Jews.

In the 1930s, he became the ultimate ruler of Germany and built Germany into a great power until the Jews conspired to do war against him to destroy everything he had built.

If you have not read Mein Kampf I suggest you read it because the problems Hitler faced in the 1920s are the exact same problems we face now.

Hitler has been lied about more than any other modern historical figure. He’s been lied about so much because the Jews who he opposed took control of the West following World War II. They have falsely blamed Hitler for Holocausting them in fake shower rooms when he simply wanted to have them removed from Germany because of their destructive and subversive influence.

Overall, Hitler was a very great person and a great leader. The Jews who disagree with this statement are just jealous of Hitler’s greatness. Hitler will be remembered for centuries as the greatest historical figure of the 20th century. The Jews will be looked at with great disdain and contempt for the evil and horrors they have brought into the world.

Heil Hitler!