Richard Spencer a former leader of the so-called “Alt-Right” was on a video stream praising the lead virus hoaxer Anthony Fauci while saying that he would gladly take a coronavirus vaccine. He even spoke positively of the decrepit Jewish globalist Henry Kissinger.

Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice highlighted a clip of Spencer saying these things by referencing a tweet originally posted by @BaronStrucker on Twitter.

It’s becoming increasingly obvious that Spencer and the rest of the Neo-Nazi retard brigade that’s still allowed on Twitter are compromised people.

Fauci publicly claimed that millions of people were going to die from the coronavirus using phony models and data. He insisted that all of these bizarre lockdown measures were needed in order to prevent our hospital system from collapsing.

The hospital system never even came close to being overwhelmed. Yet despite that, Fauci has continued to move the goalposts claiming that we have to continue this lockdown for all sorts of new reasons.

The data has proven conclusively that the coronavirus is no more dangerous than the flu. As a result, there is no logical reason to continue these unconstitutional and illegal measures. It shows that Fauci is deliberately promoting hysteria to advance all sorts of weird and nefarious agendas.

It’s somewhat surreal to see Spencer praising one of the top people responsible for this deranged hoax. Especially considering that this hoax has put half the country out of work. He is literally shilling the exact same virus propaganda that you see from Jews on CNN.

This should mark the end for Spencer and the rest of these Neo-Nazi retards. There is no way they can maintain any sort of brand viability when they’re openly praising people like Fauci and Kissinger. Especially when the average person who has lost their job has been able to identify what a dumb hoax this whole thing has been. Many of them have even identified Fauci specifically as one of the main figures responsible for this hoax.

Simply put, nobody is going to give a shit about people like Spencer if they are pushing CNN talking points while there is 50 percent unemployment.

To conclude, I would recommend that everybody read Anglin’s piece on this over at the Daily Stormer. His article provides even more history and detail about Spencer and the various Neo-Nazi retards who have sold their souls and are now actively promoting ZOG agendas.