The fat-faced Jew cunt Victoria Nuland has announced her resignation.

I don’t have the time or energy to go into all the details, but suffice to say that this bitch was one of the main figures dictating foreign policy in the ZOG regime for the past several years. She played a major role in the Maidan Coup of 2014 which created the whole mess we see in the Ukraine. Her policies have been a disaster for the Jewish power structure as immense geopolitical power has been lost due to her shortsighted foolishness. She’s also personally responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians.

Here is some general commentary about her departure.

Her leaving is an indication to me that the failed Ukrainian war project is at an end. There will still be some people trying to keep up appearances, but there’s no political will to continue it. This is the primary significance of her resignation. Outside of that, it is going to be business as usual. She’ll likely be replaced by another Jew or some other ZOG stooge. It is good to see her gone though. She’s always been a particularly evil and horrible Jew.