Snow White was a character known for her fair skin. So what do the Disney Jews do? They cast a Hispanic actress to play Snow White and got a group of racially diverse grown adults to play the role of the seven dwarfs.

When photos leaked of the dwarves, Disney tried to claim that the photos were fake but then later had to admit that they were in fact real.

I honestly don’t know how Disney is going to be able to sustain itself if they continue to destroy all of their brands like this. They are just forcing diversity and feminism down everyone’s throats when it is obviously not popular. They’ve destroyed Star Wars, Indiana Jones and many of their other franchises with their bullshit.

You can only prioritize weird political agendas over profit before something breaks. This has already happened with much of Jew Hollywood. It is nowhere near the influential cultural force that it was in years gone by. You could argue that it is on its last legs in fact.