Ron DeSantis has dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Donald Trump.

DeSantis severely tarnished his political brand with this failed presidential campaign. He was for a brief period of time doing an alright job as Florida governor. He should have focused his energy on that. Instead, he took the word of Jews and other ZOG establishment people and jumped into a race he was destined to lose. He also signed insane legislation in Israel that punished people for criticizing Jews.

Also, did you know that DeSantis was a Peter Gazer I mean urinalysis coordinator during his time in the United States military?

Hat tip to Azzmador for that one.

Either way, his endorsement of Trump makes it clear that Trump will be the Republican nominee for President.

I didn’t mention this when it happened, but Vivek also dropped out a few days earlier and also endorsed Trump.

After Nimarata loses the New Hampshire Primary to Trump on Tuesday, the race will be over. In fact, it is pretty much already over. Almost every poll before this announcement by DeSantis showed Trump with a double digit lead over Nimarata.

Editor’s Note: This article was updated to reflect the fact that DeSantis was a peter gazer during his time in the United States military.