The Communists decided to hold a march in Charlottesville last night and some of their people ended up clashing with the police. It’s honestly baffling why they would hold a rally in Charlottesville considering that there is no nationalist event of any kind scheduled there. Apparently these retards didn’t get the message that the Unite the Right 2 rally is being held in Washington DC.

But seriously, fuck the police. They sided with these faggots last year against our people who had a permit to hold a rally. They chose not to keep the two sides separate and even forced our people into the anti-fascists when they cleared the park.

So based on that I couldn’t give a fuck what these Communist faggots do to them.

Even better is that these fools attacked the media. They attacked an NBC reporter who was covering the situation.

You’d think the media would recognize that all the violence and insanity is coming exclusively from these Communist terrorists. But most journalists are low IQ individuals who like sucking on Jewish dick so I somehow doubt we will see this happen.

The good news is that these Communist terrorists are making themselves look unhinged and foolish. These stupid fucks literally think Nazis and Klansmen are hiding behind every bush and rock.