A Congressman is claiming that the FBI told him that the Russians were responsible for the Unite the Right rally and all the bad things that happened in Charlottesville last year. This makes sense as Vladimir Putin and the Russians are responsible for all bad things that ever happen anywhere on the planet.


Republican Rep. Tom Garrett said Saturday that he was told during a briefing with the FBI director that Russian meddling played in a role in “fomenting the flames of what happened in Charlottesville,” Virginia, one year ago, when a white nationalist rally turned violent and resulted in the death of a counterprotester.

“I sat in a closed session briefing probably two months ago about Charlottesville with the director of the FBI, amongst others, and asked if Russian inter-meddling had to do with fomenting the flames of what happened in Charlottesville. I was told yes, it did,” Garrett told CNN’s Ryan Nobles on “Newsroom.” The congressman from Virginia said he asked during the briefing if the information was classified and was told it is not.

Garrett, a member of the House Homeland Security and Foreign Affairs committees, said that Russian interference is “seeking to pit Americans against Americans to undermine confidence in Western-style democracies.”

Referring to Russia, the congressman said, “They use events like this divisive racial fight … and this is the sort of thing they do. As a member of Homeland Security, that’s what scares me most, that Americans will be pitted against Americans over real differences, but that are minimal in the grand scheme of things. We are an American family of brothers and sisters regardless of religion and race, and we need to focus on that.”

The FBI did not immediately return CNN’s request for comment on the congressman’s remarks.

FBI Director Christopher Wray referenced Charlottesville last month while discussing foreign interference at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado and said “foreign influence” is playing a role in efforts to “spin up domestic extremist movements.”

Of course this Congressman is also an alcoholic but he’s a good man so we can believe him.

So yes, the Russians did Charlottesville last year. This is not a surprise considering that every person who voted for Donald Trump is a Nazi and a secret agent working for Russia. These are facts not in dispute.