CNN’s ratings are in the shitter.

This is a dead and insignificant media brand in 2023.

The Jewish clown Jeff Zucker pretty much destroyed the brand by pushing endless lies and fake news. The new management team is trying to fix things, but it might not be possible. That’s how damaged the brand has become.

The funny thing is that CNN actually did better when Donald Trump was in office because the lunatic Trump-haters were able to get their daily dose of Trump hate from them. Since they chose to center all of their content around hating Trump, there was no reason for those people to tune in after they rigged the election and forced him out of office.

At the same time they pushed the Trump hate, they alienated anybody who just wanted to get objective news coverage. They lost all objectivity and credibility during the Trump years by pushing the Russiagate hoax and other lies.

Now CNN gets less viewers than numerous Internet streamers and podcasters.