The Daily Mail is reporting that China has created a new mutant coronavirus strain that kills mice.

It attacks the BRAIN! lol

This is just stupid.

They’re just keeping this hoax in the background in case they decide to use it again. It worked really well the first time, but if they choose to push this hoax a second time, it will not be anywhere near as effective. The endless lies over COVID-19 finally caught up with them and they were compelled to shift their focus towards the Ukraine and fighting a war against Russia.

It appears as if they are also pushing this nonsense to demonize China.

There’s really no reason you should believe anything these people say about anything.  That especially goes for viruses and anything relating to pubic health. The entire medical industry is corrupt and filled with brainwashed morons. They literally coerced people into taking an experimental and deadly fake vaccine shot for a non-existent pandemic.