Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Hong Kong Terrorists Tell Media They’re Planning Bombings

We've been calling these CIA-backed stooges terrorists the whole time.

Biden Declares That Putin Can’t Remain in Power

Joe Biden declared while in Poland that Vladimir Putin can't remain in power. He said this after he told American troops in a public...

Serbia Warns of Imminent Global War

Dark times for sure.

Germany Reportedly Preparing to Accept Gaza Refugees

The Jews told them it would result in another Holocaust if they did not accept them.

Kremlin Expects Mobilization to be Completed in Two Weeks

Expect the war to change dramatically once these forces are deployed to the battlefield.

Central Banks Rapidly Purchasing Gold

If the central banks are buying gold in record amounts, you should probably think about owning some as well.

Taliban Demands an End to US Evacuation Operations

This situation can't last forever. Something is going to give.