Joe Biden declared while in Poland that Vladimir Putin can’t remain in power. He said this after he told American troops in a public setting that they’d be sent into Ukraine.

The White House spin doctors have been trying to do damage control on this. They likely were not ready for Biden just to blurt out what their real plans are. But this is what happens when you have a man with brain damage as President. You don’t know what he’s going to say in public settings.

Regardless of the spin or his senile nature, Biden has made it clear that the ultimate plan is to do World War III so the Jews who control him can make one final push to try and get their satanic world government system fully installed. He may have been put in power through fraud, but he is still recognized as the leader of America and his words have meaning.

This plan is not going to be successful. They’ve been losing ground on this agenda around the world and are losing the ability to project power by the day.

They certainly do not have the resources to invade Russia and exercise power over it. Russia is not Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya.

While they might be able to do some damage to Russia in short term battles, they will lose any world war that they try to wage. China understands that if Russia were to fall, they are next in line so they are going to stand with Russia against the evil ZOG beast.

We are watching the ZOG machine commit suicide. When their ability to exercise power around the world fails, they’re going to focus their energy inward on domestic populations.