Thursday, May 16, 2024

New York City Faces Worker Shortage Over Vaxx Mandate

This is going to result in a number of serious problems.

Biden Says He’s Confident Hamas HQ Under Al-Shifa Hospital

This corrupt and senile asshole stumbles around as a genocide is being committed.

Gang of 60 Teenaged N-Words Rob a Philadelphia Wallgreens

These n-words are becoming quite the problem.

Biden Visits Ukraine and Vows Endless Support for Jew Regime

He visited the Ukraine before he visited East Ohio but this is not surprising.

US Homelessness Hits New Highs

Yeah but the economy is supposedly doing really great according to Jews.

Amy Barrett is Reportedly Trump’s Supreme Court Pick

She's at least a significant upgrade from the notorious Jewish kike RBG.

CDC: People Infected With Coronavirus Can Vote In-Person

Guess this isn't exactly the plague of death now is it?

US Navy Sailors Keep Committing Suicide

Morale must be pretty bad for this to be happening.