Friday, May 3, 2024

101st Airborne Prepared to Enter the Ukraine

They'll soon be deployed into the Ukraine to fight for gay sodomy.

Axios Reports That GOP Souring on Unlimited Ukraine Aid Agenda

I have a hard time believing that Republicans will voluntarily pull the plug on this.

Congress is Discussing $50 Billion Aid Package for the Ukraine

Gay butt sex in the Ukraine is a top Congressional priority.

Judas Goat Mike Pence Vows Unlimited Support for the Ukraine

Why? If Pence likes that homosexual Jewish dictatorship so much, he should volunteer for their foreign legions.

CDC Panel Votes to Recommend Deadly COVID-19 Shots to Kids

These people are guilty of trying to genocide children.

Boston University Reportedly Develops Lethal COVID Strain

They have to keep the fear levels up.

Biden Regime Plans to Release 15 Million More Barrels of Oil

They'll stop this after the midterms and gas prices will skyrocket.

Bloomberg Headline: 100 Percent Chance of Recession

We are already in a depression.

Wall Street Journal Says the US Economy is Collapsing

Really? I thought the economy was strong because Joe Biden said so.

Biden Tells Young Girl “No Serious Guys Until You’re 30”

Not only was this creepy as all hell, but it was some really bad advice.