Monday, May 20, 2024

Jew Bloomberg Raises Millions to Help Florida Felons Vote

Not sure how this is legal, but the law doesn't seem to apply to billionaire Jews.

CDC Says 2021 Deadliest Year in American History

A direct result of the COVID-19 death shots.

Gab Officially Endorses Censorship

You could argue that Gab is actually worse than the big Jew social media sites now.

No Jews the Proud Boys is Not a White Supremacist Group

The Jewish claim that the Proud Boys are White supremacists is factually inaccurate.

Senate Intel Committee Finds No Trump-Russia Collusion

We said it was a hoax from the start!

France Investigates Apple for Planned Obsolescence

Apple has been doing this type of thing for years.

Easter Bunny Seen Handling and Directing Joe Biden

Whoever is in the bunny costume is more qualified to be President than Joe Biden.

Graham Urges Expanded Conscription in the Ukraine

He just wants more Ukrainians to die.