The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is saying that 2021 was the deadliest year in American history. This is being blamed on COVID-19, which for all intents and purposes was just a rebranded version of the flu.

While I do believe that 2021 was a highly deadly year, it wasn’t because of COVID-19. Numerous deaths denoted as COVID-19, weren’t from COVID-19 at all. There was all sorts of fraud used to inflate the death numbers. The 416,000 COVID-19 death number for the year isn’t remotely believable.

So if COVID-19 didn’t kill all those people, what did? The answer is obvious.

Throughout 2021, millions of people were coerced or forced into taking an experimental injection that has provably been injuring and killing people. Amazingly, these death shots and boosters to these death shots have not been pulled from the market. They’re still available and people are still foolishly taking them.

You also have the impact from lockdowns which increased suicides, drug abuse etc.. which further exacerbated the death totals. This entire crisis was a direct result of the government and media hoaxing a pandemic and then forcing a deadly shot on people. It has been a deliberate genocide. Many more will die from these injections in the years to come.