Sunday, May 19, 2024

“Bloomberg Could Have Given Each American $1 Million”

This is proof that niggers are very good at math.

George Carlin on Americans Fear of Germs

An interesting perspective for sure.

How Do Nurses Have Time to Make Stupid Dance Videos?

Why do they have time to do such things in the middle of this alleged virus apocalypse?

Trump Praises His Great “Keyboard Warriors”

That's great Donald, but there's lots of talent that's been sidelined due to your lack of action.

Teddy Roosevelt Statue To Be Removed From New York Museum

The communist revolution continues unchallenged.

Instagram Has “Mute White People” Button

Another example of Whites being dehumanized.

Goodyear Tire Supports BLM While Banning MAGA Attire

Major corporations are going balls deep into Marxism.

2020 Emmy Awards Only Get 6.1 Million Viewers

Can we just put a fork in all these gay ass entertainment award shows?

LOL: Charlie Kirk Gets Locked Out of Twitter

Twitter can do this because Twitter is a private company.