Sad news to report. Charlie Kirk the fake conservative faggot just got locked out of Twitter.

Matt Gaetz is really mad about this. He said that it is bullshit and is demanding the FCC and FEC get off their asses and do something about it!

Ryan Fournier also said it was bullshit.

Even Sebastian Gorka is hopping mad!

I have a slightly different view. I couldn’t give a flying fuck if Charlie Kirk is banned from Twitter for the rest of his life.

Kirk was saying as late as last year that Twitter can do whatever it wants because it is a private company. He even wrote an op-ed on Fox Business’s website making the case as to why big tech shouldn’t be regulated.

He is a big part of the reason why we are in this situation. He thought he was being smart by taking this position as it ensured more compelling right-wing figures and content creators were banned. It was effectively banning his competition.

Kirk also didn’t do anything to defend my right and other people’s right to free speech after Charlottesville.

We warned all these people back in 2017 after mass bans took place that they’d be coming for them next. None of these people listened. It wasn’t just Kirk, it was people like Alex Jones, Stefan Molyneux and many others who got banned later.

So fuck you Kirk, you get what you deserve. You should have defended our right to free speech back in 2017. The fact that you didn’t makes me laugh at the situation you are in.