After Justin Trudeau threatened to freeze the bank accounts of people protesting his illegitimate and evil regime, many Canadian banks went offline.

It is possible that Trudeau triggered a virtual run on the banks and everybody went online to take their money out. This caused their websites to crash. Obviously, telling people that the government is going to seize bank accounts on the basis of your political views is going to cause people to react accordingly. A bank run is a natural result of such a threat.

There’s also the possibility that the banks themselves took their services offline to prevent people from taking out cash. They may have done this as a deliberative protective measure to circumvent a bank run.

Whatever is going on with these banks, it is just another sign that this entire system is crumbling. Economically, socially and politically everything is becoming increasingly unstable. This is why you want to have assets outside the system. Gold and silver are becoming especially important as these tyrannical governments are even starting to move against cryptos.