Since Russia did not invade Ukraine on Wednesday like American intelligence claimed, we now see this bullshit in the news. Russia is being blamed for an attack on a Ukrainian kindergarten.

Boris Johnson is claiming that it was a false flag attack by Russia to discredit the Ukrainians.

They aren’t even getting their narrative straight about what happened which is a clear signal that this whole thing is a hoax.

There’s no concrete evidence that Russia shelled a kindergarten, nor is there any evidence that this was a Russian false flag. There’s also no logical reason why Russia would do either. What would they gain from such a thing?

This is even dumber than the chemical weapons hoaxes that were done in Syria a few years back. At least they were able to maintain a consistent narrative about that.

Speaking of which, they are also implying that Russia might use chemical weapons in Ukraine or do a false flag chemical weapons attack for no specific reason. It’s literally the same hoax operation that they rolled out in Syria!

But going back to the kindergarten shelling business, this was a very sloppy hoax. There is a good chance they’ll stop reporting about it and move on to something else to drag Russia into a war. The fact that they’re seriously considering doing another chemical weapons hoax shows that the people running these things are not very intelligent.