Black Panther is dead. He allegedly died from anal cancer otherwise known as cancer of the ass.

My guess is that he probably developed anal cancer from being fucked in the ass by Jewish and nigger faggots. As that is how you typically get high profile roles in Jewish Hollywood movies like this.

Even if he did have anal cancer, I question that he died from it. The reason for this is because everybody who has died after March 2020 has died from the coronavirus. They do not die from anything else.

Either way, people are really sad that he is dead. These same people who are sad at Black Panther’s death also seem to believe that Wakanda is a real place. They also believe that if blacks lived among themselves they would have developed an advanced civilization with advanced technology. These people are also really fucking stupid which makes me not give a flying fuck that Black Panther is dead. I actually find Black Panther’s death to be very funny and it brought great joy to my day. I bet he is in hell with John McCain, Martin Luther King and George H.W. Bush as we speak.