A bunch of uppity black niggers decided to march on Washington DC to complain about stupid shit. I am personally appalled that they would do such a thing in the middle of a global pandemic. As you can see, there was a total lack of social distancing at the event. I guess they just want people to die.

Kamala Harris a fake black person endorsed this irresponsible and dangerous march.

She even agreed to speak at the event in a virtual capacity.

I think what this shows is that Kamala Harris hates black people and wants them to die. Notice how she didn’t attend in person while she encouraged blacks to attend this crazy march as people are dying in mass. She did this because she wants as many black people to spread the coronavirus and die from it. There is no other explanation for her actions.

The fact that she hates niggers and wants them to die from a deadly virus is actually making me have second thoughts about voting for Donald Trump. I might be able to get behind the Joe Biden/Kamala Harris presidential ticket now that they are openly endorsing mass nigger death via way of the very deadly coronavirus.