This black alleged “Irish” woman named Katja Mia is not happy with the native Irish people who built Ireland. She’s upset that they got mad at an Algerian who stabbed kids and said that this type of bigotry reflects badly on “New Ireland.”

I wasn’t aware there was this “New Ireland.” Was this agreed upon by the Irish people? If they voted for a “New Ireland”, perhaps you could link me to some documentation on when they supported such an agenda.

Who the hell are these other races to come into European countries and lecture the native populations on such issues? This bitch in particular should be grateful that she is even allowed to live there. But no, she has to go on television and whine about the Irish people and run cover for some Algerian who stabbed kids.

This also begs the question as to why she is on Irish television in the first place. The only people who should be on Irish television are Irish people.

This black bitch should be deported back to Africa. What she is doing is like me moving to an African country like Nigeria and then going on television to lecture the locals about their  behavior not being reflective of a “New Nigeria.”

There will never be a “New Ireland.” I’m fairly confident the native Irish will see to that. They’ll figure out a way to remove the usurping homosexual street-shitting fake Irish man who is in the prime minister’s office. They’ll also figure out a way to put an end to scenes like this.