Irish MMA fighter Conor McGregor had quite a bit to say about the situation in his home country. Here’s some of his recent tweets. He was very critical of the government and how it is not representing the best interests of the Irish people.

I’m not a big MMA fan and I haven’t necessarily been a big fan of McGregor specifically. However, he is arguably one of the most famous Irishmen in the world right now and he obviously cares about the future of his country. I also like how he wants to torture and kill invaders who stab kids. I think that’s a very interesting policy proposal.

I don’t know any of his other political views and I don’t really care about them. It’s obvious that the homosexual street-shitter in charge of the Irish government does not care about Ireland and is trying to destroy it by bringing in violent invaders. McGregor would be a substantial upgrade just based the fact that he’s actually a real Irishman and on some of his based Twitter statements.

I hope he forms a political party and runs for office. If not that, I hope he gets more actively involved in the political process of his country. He’s in a position where he could move the needle just based on his fame alone.