Joe Biden just said that Elon Musk should be probed for being a potential threat to national security. He actually laughed when talking about this. Apparently he thinks all of this is a very funny thing.

He said this after Musk encouraged people to vote for Republicans.

Musk has also been doing a number of things that the Jews and their allies haven’t liked.

This whole narrative against Musk is being framed around some Saudis that hold a small stake in Twitter. They bought the shares when the company was public and did not sell them after Musk took over and made the company private. To say that this represents some national security threat when there was no issue with the Saudis owning Twitter stock prior to Musk taking over the company is ridiculous.

If there’s any foreign relationships that should be investigated for national security reasons it is Biden’s foreign relationships. But hell, you could make that same statement about pretty much any American politician in Washington DC considering their ties with Jews and Israel. They just do everything that Israel asks them to do.

The regime is now just creating bullshit narratives no matter how stupid or crazy they might be in order to destroy anybody who they view as not being on board with their agenda. This is obviously a threat they’re hanging over Musk’s head to try and coerce him to play ball with their dark and evil agendas.