The Biden regime is planning to block semiconductor shipments to China.

I’m not even sure what they are hoping to achieve with this. It just looks like another way for them to agitate the Chinese which they’ve been doing consistently with the Taiwan issue.

It’s a really dumb strategy. The US economy relies heavily on all sorts of things from China. They could just pull the plug on exporting goods at a moment’s notice and cause tremendous economic devastation throughout America. The only reason why they haven’t done that yet is because doing so would also cause a significant hit to their economy. They just want to do business and the US is making it more and more difficult for them to do business. At some point, they’ll just say that it isn’t worth the effort.

There’s no doubt that the Chinese are getting closer to a point where they will no longer need access to the US market. Russia has gotten stronger without access to Western markets and China is in the process of positioning themselves the same way. They have Russia as a model that they can follow.

Either way, agitating China like this is even dumber than what they did to Russia. The sanctions on Russia were a terrible failure and if they push similar measures on China, the results will be many times worse.