For two decades, Alex Jones has largely avoided talking about the Jewish problem, Israel, Zionism etc.. There has been much speculation about why he rarely if ever got into this subject, but it was probably because he married a horrible Jewish woman and had all sorts of Jewish radio show sponsors.

But at one point, Jones seemed to be well aware of the Jewish problem. An old clip taken from his local access TV show the day after the 9/11 attacks shows him blaming Jews and Israel for the attacks. The 21-year-old clip has been making the rounds on social media.

The Jews have been using the clip to attack Jones as a horrible anti-Semitic person because he is back in court over the Sandy Hook stuff. A jury is apparently going to determine how much money he needs to pay Sandy Hook relatives for expressing his opinion that the Sandy Hook mass shooting event was a hoax.

They’re also weirdly claiming he ran some type of spy ring on his Jewish ex-wife.

I have no idea if he did spy on his Jewish ex-wife, but if he did spy on his Jewish ex-wife I fully support him doing it. She totally deserves it for being Jewish and doing typical Jewish things.

Either way, the whole thing is ridiculous. They’re trying to destroy his media empire over speech that is 100 percent protected by the First Amendment. If you can’t ask if an event is a hoax, you don’t have free speech. The idea that you are defaming someone for simply questioning if an event is fake or not is a ridiculous and absurd precedent. Plus, there are many reasons to believe that the Sandy Hook mass shooting was a hoax.