The Australian government is one of the most freedom-hating entities on the entire planet. They’re literally using the military to haul people away to quarantine facilities if they test positive for a fake non-deadly virus using fake virus tests. Now, they want to go after people who post things on the Internet that hurt people’s feelings.

This is obviously another attempt to further destroy free speech on the Internet. People should be allowed to say whatever the hell they want on the Internet both anonymously or under their real name. Without a free and open exchange of ideas, all sorts of crazy things like this deranged virus hoax becomes possible.


But the idea that people should be targeted or unmasked for saying mean things anonymously on the Internet is top-tier faggot shit.

There’s a bunch of women and fags on Twitter saying this is a good idea because they don’t want their feelings hurt.

I don’t even know what these people want. If you don’t want your feelings hurt, stay the fuck off the Internet. What is so god damn hard about that?