AI girlfriends are ruining men according to this article from “The Hill” written by some 30-something millennial slut named Liberty Vittert.

She was on NewsNation whining about how men are turning to AI girlfriends.

Her article strongly implies that there’s something wrong with the men who are choosing to go the AI girlfriend route. She also complains about the negative societal and economic consequences about this phenomenon.

It is a totally ridiculous article for a number of reasons.

For one thing, millions of men have already had their lives totally ruined by real life women. No-fault divorce laws and this degenerate gynocentric system that women have largely voted for and supported, has enabled women to split apart families and destroy the men they married. You also have the rape hoax claims, sexual harassment nonsense, MeToo bullshit etc.. that have forced men out of their careers and in some cases even landed them in prison. Virtual AI girlfriends haven’t done any of these things to men. So to say that AI girlfriends are ruining a generation of men is just a totally fault assertion. AI girlfriends are also a relatively new phenomenon whereas real life women destroying men is not a new phenomenon.

Lindsey Vittert is an angry 30-something girl boss bitch who is mad that her chances of getting resources from men is on the decline.

This woman is obviously upset that more and more men have had it with women and no longer want anything to do with them. She’s basically angry that women are losing access to male resources.

With all of their rampant out of control whoring, lying and disreputable behavior, women have effectively devalued themselves to being nothing more than an obnoxious humanoid whose only value is the wet hole between their legs. It speaks volumes about them that many men would prefer the company of a virtual girlfriend than a real life woman.

Most Western women are not worthy of marriage and have become a liability instead of an asset. They also don’t seem to like men much any way considering that the average modern woman would rather be a slave to some corporation than support a man in raising a family.

The end result of this is men seeking the company of AI girlfriends, using prostitutes etc..

This situation is all the fault of women’s horrible behavior which has been encouraged and promoted through feminism and other forms of Jewish propaganda. A big part of the solution would be to abolish the 19th Amendment, end no-fault divorce laws and shame women for riding the cock carousel and not becoming mothers. Unfortunately, there is no serious push to do any of these things in the current political environment.