The Associated Press just put out a hit piece attacking people who have issues with the World Economic Forum. They claim criticism of all these billionaires, powerful politicians and elites meeting in Davos, Switzerland to discuss their dystopic plans for the world is “bizarre.”

One of the AP’s top people is attending the event.

As are other people from major media operations.

What’s bizarre is a big media organization like the AP going out of their away to attack critics of such a powerful group. This is not journalism. This is propaganda.

I mean, there are some legitimate questions about the WEF and what they are doing based on their own public statements.

Klaus Schwab who runs this shit show has bragged about how WEF people have penetrated the cabinets of governments.

There’s also Schwab’s Great Reset book.

They’ve said publicly that by 2030 we would own nothing and be happy.

Along with deindustrializing the West, they want people to stop eating meat and to eat bugs. Many of their members advocate reducing the world’s population.

You also have their role in the COVID-19 hoax and the deadly fake vaccines that are killing people.

This is all based on public statements that these WEF people have made.

It is fair to raise questions about what they are doing and what their plans are. The AP doesn’t agree because they are helping implement the goals of these evil people.