The America First and general Christian nationalist strand of the American right-wing has recently been sabotaged by Jews and homosexuals. It is unfortunate that this has happened but this is just the painful reality of the situation.

This faction of the right-wing has been primarily led by Nick Fuentes a talented young political commentator through his America First show that is currently broadcast on Cozy.TV. I have generally liked Nick’s content and I agree with many but not all of his political takes. He has regularly talked about the Jewish problem and is still banned from most social media services including Twitter.

For some bizarre reason, he decided over the past several months to begin doing deals and/or establishing friendly relationships with a variety of bad actors. Individuals like the grifting homosexual political saboteur Milo Yiannopoulos, the Paki homosexual Ali Alexander aka Ali Akbar and the horrible Jew liar Laura Loomer.

In case the reader is unaware of these people, I’m going to provide a brief description of them. I am also planning on doing more detailed articles on Milo and Ali over the next few days. I’ve already covered Loomer in great detail previously so you can check out my older articles for specifics on her.

I feel it is important to further illustrate why these people have no business being around right-wing organizations and movements. One would think that not associating with homosexuals and Jews would be obvious to anybody on the right-wing, but sadly this has not been made obvious enough as this ongoing fiasco has proven.

Let’s start with the gay faggot Milo.

Here’s a picture of Milo holding a fake pink cock. A cock which was likely up his ass right before he gave this speech.

Milo has grifted from GamerGate to the Alt-Right only to now hilariously claim that he is a cured homosexual and a disciple of Christianity. All he has done is ruin and sabotage organizations and movements during his time in the public sphere. To make matters worse he’s not even an American citizen.

Here’s a picture of Ali Alexander Akbar.

As you can see, he is some sort of weird Paki faggot who looks like he could be the biological offspring of Sammy Davis Jr. and a monkey. He has been involved in all sorts of shady business over the years only to somehow come to prominence as the alleged leader of the Stop the Steal movement back in 2020.

There’s a clip of Ali talking about his mother finding his gay porn stash and his first  homosexual experience that’s been making the rounds.

Here’s a picture of the lying Jew skank Laura Loomer wearing a Jew star.

Loomer before falsely branding herself as a free speech champion, worked to censor and ban a major nationalist Discord server because people were saying negative things about Jews. She has also lied about numerous other things like her allegedly slashed tire.

Loomer and Fuentes publicly aligned themselves months ago.

The associations with Milo and Ali appear to have mainly originated from Fuentes getting politically involved with the billionaire rapper Ye aka Kanye West after Ye vowed to go DeathCon 3 on Jewish people. Ye was potentially looking at running for the presidency after the Jews began sabotaging his business deals. While there were some potentially interesting political outcomes from all of this, Ye has since gotten married. He also hasn’t really been in the news for the past three months since then, so it is looking like his presidential campaign is dead on arrival.

Milo quickly stirred up trouble within the campaign and was removed from his position after about 10 days. He proceeded to begin a major social media spat with Akbar and started putting out materials alleging all sorts of queer shit that he was involved in. Some of this queer shit apparently includes Akbar soliciting jerk off videos from a 15-year-old teen among other gross faggotry. Milo has also dumped all sorts of embarrassing private messages that he claims were between himself and Nick.

Milo is obviously an evil faggot and I am not endorsing him by any stretch of the imagination. The problem is that there was already enough material on Akbar showing a high probability of him being a degenerate Paki homosexual within the public domain. Milo just helped create a major shit storm about it to deliberately sabotage the America First brand as a whole.

While this weird circus has been bad enough, Fuentes has handled this in the worst way imaginable.

Instead of denouncing both of these sick faggots and publicly distancing himself from them, he has publicly defended Akbar. Worse yet was that he said that he was aware of Akbar’s homosexuality saying that he was bisexual and that he had previously flirted with him. He basically helped confirm everything Milo was saying even though Milo may have been exaggerating and projecting at least some of his claims on to Akbar and Fuentes.

His political opponents have been having a field day with all this. Take in point this tweet from Right Wing Watch.

There’s also another clip of Fuentes defending Akbar that has caught people’s attention. In this clip he claims that he can’t form a mass political movement without making deals with homosexuals like Milo, Akbar and Jews like Loomer. He did all of this before comparing himself to Jesus.

That’s all fine and great Nick, but where in the Bible does it say that Jesus defended homosexuals? Also Jews killed Jesus, so how do you square this business with Loomer? This was obviously a very poor comparison to make.

In defending Akbar, he has helped validate many of the criticisms that have been made about him. Fuentes has previously been accused of being a homosexual himself and this is only going to fuel more of these allegations.

There’s a flood of social media activity about this and none of it is positive for Fuentes, America First or the concept Christian nationalism as a whole. It is sort of hard to say that you are a right-wing nationalist political figure who believes in Christianity when you are defending homosexuals and aligning yourself with Jews.

Look at these tweets.

It just goes on and on.

Regardless of what you believe about Milo, Ali or any other aspect of this, there is no denying that this is a public relations disaster and Nick has made it many times worse by defending Akbar.

None of this would have happened had Fuentes not established relationships with homosexuals and Jews. There is a well-documented history of right-wing organizations and movements collapsing because they were subverted or infiltrated by homosexuals and Jews. We now have another example of this with what’s happening to America First.

It’s a real shame, because I would like to see Fuentes succeed, but he definitely won’t succeed if he surrounds himself with faggots and Christ-killers. If he does not distance himself from all these bad actors immediately, it is going to do great damage to his America First brand and that damage could become permanent.