I think it goes without saying that 2020 was the dumbest most retarded year in all of human history. At the very least, it was the worst year in modern history. The world went collectively mad and insane. The ramifications of this insanity will be with us for years if not decades.

A majority of people polled agreed with me and said that this was the worst year ever.

Most of the world decided to destroy their own countries over a virus that has proven to be no more deadly than the flu. Governments imposed mask mandates, used the threat of force to close small businesses, restricted travel and implemented all sorts of other draconian restrictions due to a fake pandemic. This has ruined the global economy and with it ruined the lives of millions if not billions. Basic freedoms have been denied by tyrants across the world.

As this happened, the net worth of billionaires rose substantially while we saw the media repeat nauseating slogans claiming that “we are all in this together” as they talked about a “new normal.” Like anything we saw in 2020 was remotely normal.

We also saw the most brazen display of election fraud in the history of the world in America’s 2020 presidential election. Despite the fraud being so deliberate and obvious, nothing substantive has been done to correct this gross injustice.

We even saw rampant amounts of propaganda introduced via sports and pop culture to promote Marxist movements like “black lives matter.” This was combined with communists being allowed to riot in the streets as they destroyed major cities. Like the election fraud situation, nothing has been done to stop these organizations from continuing these operations.

All of these things were either allowed to happen or were specifically promoted by the power structure itself.

With that said, I am not optimistic about the future. While it is still possible that Donald Trump might be able to retain power either through unilateral action or through alternate electors etc.. it is looking like this is becoming a less and less likely scenario as each day goes by.

Despite Trump’s many flaws, I do believe it is preferable that he retain power since he is the only major political figure attempting to represent our interests. I’m just not sure that this is going to happen.

We need to be prepared for the possibility that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will take power and plunge America into a communist cesspool later this month. This is a very real prospect, in which secession is going to be the only logical next move.

The Biden-Harris regime if allowed to come to fruition, will be dealing with an extremely volatile situation that will not be easy to control. This should in theory make it easier for a secession movement to gain momentum. Largely because a Biden-Harris regime is already shaping up to be the most anti-American and Jewish thing imaginable. Harris herself is married to a Jew and she along with her Jewish husband will effectively be running the country considering how senile old Joe is.

Suffice to say, the economic and political situation is becoming incredibly unstable across the country. People are becoming desperate and angry. And that’s why these next few weeks are going to be very interesting to watch.

Overall, as glad as I am that 2020 is over with, 2021 has the potential to be even worse largely due to the dire economic situation that was created in 2020. As I’ve said in other posts, I hope all of you are getting yourselves prepared because there is no telling what might happen.