The Zionist regime in Washington DC has its stooges out there calling for war on both Russia and China.

This is not going to work.

NATOs military forces have been damaged with the deadly COVID-19 injections and they’ve let women, faggots and other incapable people into the ranks.

Plus all the toys and technology that NATO has are not as great as people think. The newer F-35 fighter jets have proven to be operationally deficient.

A female pilot just crashed one of these F-35s into the South China Sea a short time ago. The bitch who crashed the jet as far as I know didn’t get into any trouble, but the people who leaked video of the crash did.

American forces specifically reoriented themselves towards waging war in poor desert countries on behalf of Israel. Their capabilities to wage a more traditional war against an enemy with real military assets has been drastically reduced over the past twenty years.

These people are insane if they think they can take on Russia and China. They’ve spent too much time in their echo chambers to see reality for what it is.

Ultimately though, a big war is probably the only thing they can do to try and maintain power. As a result of the COVID-19 hoax, things are crumbling economically, socially and politically around the West. Take in point what’s been happening in Canada as an example.

ZOG will lose any war they wage against China and Russia. If these “think tank” assholes actually engaged in actual real thought for a change, this fact would be obvious.