Yellow Trucking company which employed around 30,000 people will be filing for bankruptcy and closing down operations. It looks like all of these people are going to be out of work.

They were telling workers that they no longer had a pension earlier. One of their black workers was not very happy about the situation as shown in this video.

Can’t blame him for not being happy. Imagine slaving away at some corporation for over 30 years and some asshole from Human Resources tells you you aren’t getting the pension you were promised. The nigga would have been better off taking welfare checks from the government.

Yellow actually got $700 million in virus hoax money and the company still failed.

Reportedly they only repaid $230 in principal lol.

This trucker guy did a video showing what one of the Yellow trucking terminals looks like. It looks as if they are indeed shutting down for good.

Even with news like this, the government tells us the economy is fine, unemployment is low and there are no problems. Anybody with any bit of common sense knows this is a lie. LinkedIn is currently filled with all sorts of people who are out of work. There are lots of girl boss and empowered female career types who are in panic now that they’ve lost their fake jobs. The crumbling economy is hitting people across all lines of work and it is only going to get worse.