Check out this video.

The video is called 9/11 is Gay | Ep 3. Interview with a Tunnel Jew. I’ve embedded the full episode and a few separate clips from it below.

The show features material about the Jew tunnels with some alleged rabbi. There’s also a bottle of “adrenochrome” next to a cup with Derek Chauvin and George Floyd on it.

I guess this is supposed to be some fucked up Jewish comedy of some kind? It is like the weirdest shit imaginable.

Check out the disclaimer they post at the start of the episode.

The episode also features an advertisement from the “Dancing Israelis” and they tell people to join the Israeli Mossad at the end.

Clearly some effort was put into the production of this video. I don’t really care what the context of this is supposed to be, all it did was make me hate the Jews even more than I did previously. We should not have to suffer being around this deranged and fucked up racial group. They all belong in the pits of Hades.