Well, it is the year 2020. Time sure goes by fast.

I am cautiously optimistic that the 2020s will be better than the 2010s which isn’t saying much considering the 2010s were in my view one of the worst decades in all of human history.

Humanity took many steps backwards over the past several years and much of this has to do with the presence of the parasitical Jewish race controlling key aspects of Western countries.

Things should theoretically be much better. We were promised that there’d be all sorts of fantastic stuff going on in terms of technological and human development. But instead society has greatly stagnated. There is an extreme focus around promoting some of the most gross and perverse things imaginable. Race-mixing, homosexuality, feminism, transgenders and other things contrary to the natural order have been propagandized as great things. We also have endless wars being waged for the benefit of Israel and the Jewish race. And the people who protest the promotion and advancement of these obviously disgusting things are labeled as horrible people and ostracized from polite society.

The only way humanity can progress forward is by removing the Jewish plague that is responsible for all of this grotesque bullshit. If we are successful in removing Jewish influence over our societies, there is a chance that the 2020s can be better than the 2010s.

I just hope that this blog can somehow play a small role in achieving this goal as we move into the 2020s. Because there’s no doubt in my mind that we can achieve great things as a people if this disgusting Semitic influence is removed from our countries and cultures.