Can we please stop trying to pretend that there aren’t racial differences between Whites and niggers?

This story here proves that niggers are incapable of doing journalism.


The correction on Korsha Wilson’s July 23 Washington Post feature about black families trying to hold onto their forebears’ farmland is gruesome. It’s 579 words long, a little more than a fifth of the length of the revised article. It has 15 bullet points. In print, it’s so long it has to jump from the first page of the Food section to the fourth.

“A previous version of this article contained many errors and omitted context and allegations important to understanding two families’ stories,” the correction reads. Among them: Wilson’s article misspelled the first name of a source’s grandfather, credited him with the wrong number of children with his second wife, misstated the number of acres sold in a partition sale, misquoted a source, “omitted key details that affect understanding of ownership of the land,” and on and on.

Wilson is a freelancer who’s had bylines in the New York Times and many food publications, including Bon Appétit, Saveur, and Food & Wine. She hosts a podcast called A Hungry Society. In February, she wrote a much-talked-about piece in Eater about how the character of much mainstream food criticism is still too white and male. In March, she spoke at SXSW as part of a panel discussion about how food can help “make a more inclusive world.”

Just think about that. A 579 word correction. That’s completely fucking insane. I can understand getting a few things mixed up here and there, but issuing a correction this long means that much of the original article contained bad information. And WTF were the editors doing?

And yes the writer is a nigger. I fact checked it.

As a result of this debacle, she locked her Twitter account.

But man, how bad do you have to be at journalism to write and publish a story that requires a correction that long?

The very fact that the Washington Post willfully publishes material from retarded niggers like this proves that they can’t be considered a trusted source of information.