There was a big stock market crash on Friday.

The entire economy is fake just like the stock market. It has been propped up with unlimited money creation by the Federal Reserve.

Tech stocks which the NASDAQ represents were hit particularly hard because they have been generally the most overvalued.

The Fed barely increased interest rates recently and the stock market is already showing that it can’t maintain its value. The whole thing is destined to collapse one way or another. In order to even start to try to defend the value of the dollar, the Fed would have to increase interest rates to over 10 percent. They can’t do that without destroying everything so they are just letting inflation eat away at the currency while pretending that they are fighting inflation.

This is why you want assets and resources outside of the system. This whole system is doomed. Bitcoin, gold, silver, land, guns, ammunition, storable food and real physical things you can use to trade/barter with are all good options.

Personally, I hope all the 401Ks and retirement accounts that boomers own go to zero. That would be very funny. It’s not like any of their kids are going to see that money. They’d be wasting it on bullshit like cruises and second homes they never use.