The US House of Representatives surprisingly rejected a $17.6 billion aid bill to Israel. I thought it was illegal to vote against bills for Israel but I guess I was wrong.

I would have thought that this bill would have passed but it was only proposed by the House Speaker Mike Johnson to thwart proposals from the Senate to bundle aid for the Ukraine and Israel together. It was another ridiculous and wasteful political exercise.

Ultimately, it is hard to see a situation where Israel does not get everything they ask for but the political climate is changing. More and more people are becoming anti-Israel by the day. So maybe that explains the outcome of this vote. They knew even if it passed that it was DOA in the Senate. The Jew vermin Chuck Schumer wants to do a comprehensive bill to totally and fully rip off the American people while continuing the mass flood of subhuman apes.

Code Pink anti-war people prior to the vote confronted Nancy Pelosi about her support for Israel and called her out for claiming that pro-Palestinian people are foreign agents. Pelosi looked like she wanted to fight some of them lol.

Here’s the clip of Pelosi making some of those ridiculous comments that the Code Pink people referenced.

Don’t get me wrong, it is good that this bill did not get passed but it doesn’t change the fact that these people are all owned by Jews. It is just that the Jews didn’t put pressure on them to vote for this bill. They have a larger strategy that Schumer is pushing.