The birth rate in the United States is now at a 35 year low.

Daily Mail:

The number of babies born in the US fell to its lowest level in 35 years in 2019, according to a preliminary report.

The decline is the latest sign of a prolonged national ‘baby bust’ that’s been going on for more than a decade.

Some experts believe the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the economy will suppress the numbers even further in 2020 and years to come.

‘This unpredictable environment, and anxiety about the future, is going to make women think twice about having children,’ said Dr Denise Jamieson, chair of obstetrics and gynecology at Emory University.

This situation is largely due to the insane ideology known as feminism. Instead of women having children and raising families, they were brainwashed by Jews into becoming an independent career woman. They were also told to party and have 100 different sex partners by the time they turned 25 thus becoming useless whores.

And instead of settling down with a single man and pledging their loyalty to him, they played games with men, falsely believing that numerous men would be sexually interested in them indefinitely.

Other things like no fault divorce, the corrupt family court system and the degenerate nature of society hasn’t helped either. This has resulted in a massive decline in marriages and with it the birth rate.

We can only expect this situation to get worse as we descend into a hellish economic collapse.

Despite this, it is possible that some of these women will now finally come to understand the gravity of the situation and desperately seek out a man who will take care of them. The only problem is that there probably won’t be many men who will want to dedicate their time and resources to a whore who has had 100 dicks shoved in her holes. Especially considering all the economic uncertainty with around half the country unemployed.

The future is very grim for any man who wants to start and build a family. There are no good options.

Maybe after this entire diabolical ZOG system collapses, we can increase the birth rate through a combination of artificial wombs and sex robots. Because unfortunately, most of these whores are beyond redemption and when they die they will spend the rest of eternity languishing in hell.