Tucker Carlson was recently asked about the Jewish terrorist organization known as the Anti-Defamation League by Megyn Kelly. His response was “fuck them.”

The ADL is mad at Tucker because he has been critical of how White Americans are being intentionally replaced by foreigners. The ADL has said that this is anti-Semitic even though Tucker has never explicitly talked about the Jews.

Jonathan Greenblatt the head of the ADL was on CNN several months back whining about how Tucker was an anti-Semite for talking about America’s demographic replacement. He was effectively admitting that Jews are behind a plot to genocide White people by saying that Tucker was an evil Jew hater for mentioning it.

I have no idea why the ADL and its leader Jonathan Greenblatt thought it would be a good idea to attack Tucker like this. Even a number of Jewish rabbis condemned Greenblatt fearing it would wake more people up to what the Jews are doing.

The Jews have thus far tried and failed to get Tucker removed from his job, but I’m not sure how much longer Fox News will allow Tucker to remain on air. I would hope that he keeps pushing the envelope with his talking points on this and other issues. He doesn’t have much to lose at this point, especially considering America is in the process of collapsing. He might as well start calling a spade a spade.