If any of you caught the media coverage on the Jew news this morning, it featured all sorts of coverage on Roger Stone’s arrest. Stone has been a political ally of President Trump and has recently done media stuff for Alex Jones’ Infowars operation. He was also a big supporter of Richard Nixon back in the 1970s.

But in case you missed it, the FBI at the direction of Bob Mueller, sent a team of guys armed with machine guns and tactical gear to his house at 6 AM to bring him in.

Stone is not a violent guy. He’s a political figure who is being charged with bullshit process crimes that Mueller came up with that have nothing to do with Russia. He’s being accused of false statements, witness tampering and obstruction of justice. They’re basically trying to squeeze him so he’ll say some shit about Trump so impeachment can move forward.

Even crazier is how CNN just happened to be there to film Stone’s arrest. They were clearly tipped off so the whole spectacle could be filmed and broadcast all over the Jew news media. It’s retarded that they just happened to be outside of Stone’s house based on “reporter’s instincts” as they claimed.

Even though she later recanted, Greta Van Susteren thought something was up and she was right to think that.

President Trump asked the same question.

And Trump raised another valid point. Why did the FBI send a small army to arrest Stone over alleged process crimes? They did the same shit with Paul Manafort. There was absolutely no reason to do this unless they’re trying to intimidate and create a circus.

This is the type of shit you’d expect to see in the Soviet Union.

Stone was put in front of a court and was let out as part of a bail arrangement. He spoke to the media and said that he would under no circumstances bare false witness and testify against Trump. The Jews hired a bunch of assholes to chant “lock him up” as he spoke to the press.

This whole thing is nuts. When you look at how Trump supporters have been treated versus how Clinton and her supporters have been treated, there is an obvious double standard. It shows once again that America is not a free country and justice does not exist.