The Atlantic a highly disreputable Jewish publication has just put out a trailer for a new documentary film they’ve made called “White Noise” that covers White nationalism and the Alt-Right.

Judging from the trailer, it is clear that the content is no longer relevant within the existing political paradigm. If I had to guess, much of the footage for the documentary was filmed either back in 2017 or 2018. The trailer primarily focuses on Richard Spencer, Lauren Southern and Mike Cernovich all of who apparently agreed to let a Jewish media operation film and interview them.

None of these people represent the right-wing as it exists in 2020. They are marginal figures at best. In fact, even a few years ago you could make similar arguments about each one of them. They’ve all been hugely discredited in one manner or another.

Let’s go over each one of these people.

Spencer is currently encouraging his retarded followers on social media to vote for Joe Biden and appears to be a fed or compromised in some capacity. He along with many other people in what was formerly called the “Alt-Right” are engaged in similar forms of chicanery.

Southern was never anything more than a e-celeb whore who was good at regurgitating basic right-wing talking points. She used her slightly above average looks to get an army of simps to donate money to her Patreon so she could travel the world doing “activism” and stay at luxury hotels. She was also exposed as a literal whore when pictures of her being friendly with some nigger were exposed. She quit activism back in 2019 allegedly to get married and have a child but is now apparently trying to stage some sort of comeback as a “centrist” in Australian mainstream media. It’s also not even clear that her marriage and child are real. Some believe she hoaxed the entire thing to boost her brand and so she could duck out for awhile to avoid getting blacklisted on social media.

Anglin’s article over at the Daily Stormer covers her history in more detail including the possibility that her alleged marriage and pregnancy was a hoax. It also gets into her public social media spat with the homosexual Paul Joseph Watson that occurred a few months ago after she announced her return to the Internet.

And to even include Cernovich in the mix is a total joke. Cernovich has been putting out all sorts of weird pro-Jew gibberish for years. He’s a disreputable grifter who has tried to make money off of various alternative political movements. He acts and behaves like a Jew and many people including myself believe he is one.

The fact that this documentary is even being released in 2020 is comical and shows how out of touch these Jews are. The comment section under the trailer has been lit with many of the comments articulating the same things I’ve mentioned in this article.

Perhaps the craziest part about this is that they thought it’d be smart to release this as anti-fascists and radical communist groups are burning down cities and violently attacking people around the country. To claim that the “Alt-Right” is something worth our attention in the current environment is insane.