The domestic terrorist group called “Black Lives Matter” or “BLM” for short is at risk of going bankrupt.

BLM has been nothing more than a massive money laundering operation. Several of the niggers involved with it were buying mansions and shit. When they weren’t buying mansions and other expensive items, they were paying people to protest and riot over issues hyped by Jews in the media. Issues like the death of the criminal drug addict George Floyd, jogging niggers etc..

The funny thing about BLM is that there were some marches and protests that they did which mostly consisted of idiotic WHITE females. The whole organization has always been a ridiculous fraud. The people running it should all be arrested for terrorism and financial crimes. One can only imagine how much Jewish money has been dumped into this group.

If there is one good thing about the economy collapsing it is that it will be more difficult for the Jews to fund these types of terrorist operations.