The senile vegetable Joe Biden is planning a tour of Europe. He’ll be over there for a full week it looks like.

I can only imagine what sort of fiasco this will be.

They previously sent Kamala Harris over to Europe and it was declared an embarrassing disaster even by members of the shitlib media.

Just the fact that they think it is a good idea to send this braindead old man over there is really unbelievable. He has proven for years that he can’t speak coherently and doesn’t know where he is half the time.

Come to think of it, are there any high level members of this regime that are even capable of properly articulating actual thoughts and ideas? Biden and Harris are both disasters and the Jew Secretary of State Antony Blinken isn’t much better.

Meanwhile, these same fools are trying to manage a situation in Ukraine that would be difficult to manage even by the most competent of people.