Russia’s top diplomat Sergey Lavrov recently did an interview describing how the unipolar world that was previously centered around the West and its vassal states is over.


The main cause of the worsening situation in the world is the “persistent desire of the West led by the United States to ensure its global dominance,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Wednesday in an exclusive interview with Newsweek. This endeavor is “impossible for obvious reasons,” Lavrov added.

“Those whom we believed to be trustworthy economic partners have chosen illegitimate sanctions and a unilateral break-off of business ties,” Lavrov told the magazine, referring to the US and EU.

Lavrov, who is in New York this week for the 77th UN General Assembly, also discussed the impact of the Western embargo on the Russian economy – and their own. The sanctions appear to be a double-edged sword, he said, as “increasing prices and decreasing incomes are seen in many European countries, as well as energy shortages and threats of social upheaval.”

It is really interesting to see the difference between how Western diplomats and leaders speak versus their Russian counterparts. Russia’s people speak plainly and directly about matters of important consequence. It’s a stark contrast considering we get nothing but semantical word games, riddles and lies from the West.

Lavrov’s observation is of course 100 percent accurate. The Jew-controlled West has been obsessed with controlling the entire world and these plans have failed. They really have no viable strategy to defeat Russia, China and the various minor powers that are gradually establishing closer ties to these two major powers.

The Jewish plan for a one world government system that they control has failed. They are desperately trying to salvage this system by start conflicts everywhere around the world, but this is only hastening the system’s collapse.