US military recruiting is failing so bad that even the Washington Post is publishing major articles about the situation while highlighting how the Pentagon has no solutions.

The alleged reasons for the recruiting failures provided in the WaPo article are not really accurate. They comically highlight abortion bans as one of the reasons why women leave the force. Despite that, the recruiting failures are very real.

The US military is in rapid decline. It is obvious as to why this is.

The force was meant to defend the country. It was not meant to fight unnecessary foreign wars for Jewish interests and other traitors. That’s what it has been primarily used for since the 9/11 attacks. You can’t abuse people like this and expect to retain quality people.

On top of that, the force has allowed low IQ colorfuls, women, faggots and trannies into the force. They’ve even put them into prominent positions. This has undermined morale and made military service very unappealing to the people who would be your best assets.

They also forced the COVID-19 death vaxx on military personnel.

Hell, they can’t even maintain proper housing and barracks for people. They’re literally losing a war against mold.

They’ve done everything in their power to make people not want to join the force. As a result of this, the military is collapsing. It will be impossible to sustain this gay Jewish empire if they are failing miserably at their recruiting goals. If they want to take on Russia and China, they’ll have to conscript people into the service and that is not going to go over well.

The ZOG empire is dying.