Retired Lt. General Thomas McInerney is claiming that special forces dressed up as anti-fascists in the midst of the Capitol being stormed, grabbed Nancy Pelosi’s laptop and that this is why Democrats are feverishly pushing to impeach Donald Trump. He implied that there is all sorts of damning material on the laptop that will enable Trump to implement some type of martial law and make mass arrests.

There have been reports of a laptop being taken from Pelosi’s office but there is no proof that it was taken by special forces as part of some secret plan.

While it is still true that the only way things could be fixed is if Trump somehow acts unilaterally, it is becoming increasingly unlikely that this will happen as each day goes by.

People should be fully prepared for a communist takeover come January 20th. Obviously, I hope I’m wrong, but nobody should assume that Trump has a secret plan. We’ve heard all sorts of stories about secret plans being pushed by the Q-Anon community etc.. and I’ve yet to see any evidence that there is some secret plan and that we should just trust whatever secret plan there is.