The story about that Sicknick cop getting killed in an alleged fire extinguisher attack during the Capitol storming has not been confirmed and could be fake news.

I mean, let’s face it, the story as it was originally described is literal looney tunes type stuff. But it was convenient to push as a way to demonize the Capitol stormers as evil.

Is it possible that he was killed by a fire extinguisher? Sure, I guess anything is possible. Just like it is possible somebody could die from a lighting strike. It’s possible, but it’s just a highly unlikely cause of death.

What I find funny is how the entire establishment including the communist-bloc who spent months trashing cops as evil nigger killers are crying about this cop getting killed with a fire extinguisher. Because at the moment it is more important for them to demonize Trump supporters as being evil terrorists than it is for them to demonize the racist nigger haters in the police.

But I honestly couldn’t give a shit about some dead cop who was defending a bunch of traitors who decided to certify a fraudulent election result. And I couldn’t care less if it is somehow proven that he was killed by an angry Trump supporter armed with a fire extinguisher. He’s dead and I couldn’t give a shit that he’s dead nor should any other patriotic American. He willfully chose to defend evil and the world is better off that he is dead.