Even the Canadian cucks have had their fill of cultural enrichment and vibrancy. A record number (49 percent) of Canadians now believe that immigration needs to be reduced.

National Post:

Canadians have been dubious for decades about the merits of increasing levels of immigration, but a new report also suggests growing opposition to immigration over the past few years.

The report from the Angus Reid Institute analyzes polling data going back to 1975 to show that, throughout that period, a relatively constant number of Canadians — around one in four — have always said they think immigration levels should be decreased, while support for keeping levels the same has tended to be slightly higher. Only about 10 per cent of Canadians have supported increasing the levels during that time.

A survey conducted in late July by the Angus Reid Institute, however, does show a spike in opposition to immigration, which the organization says coincides with “more frequent and increasingly fraught conversations about policy regarding immigration and migration to Canada.”

Having personally seen all the mud monkeys in Toronto, it’s obvious that Canada has a problem.

Canada is a White country. It is not a country for niggers and mud people. They should all be kicked the fuck out and sent back to where they came from.

Unfortunately, the only way that’s going to happen is if Canada gets rid of Justin Trudeau. That man is goofy bastard who thought transforming the country into a homosexualized Islamic Republic was a good idea.

Hopefully a Canadian version of Trump emerges to help fix this insanity.