Recently there’s been a term thrown around in the media called “quiet quitting.” It is a term used to describe workers who are no longer willing to go the extra mile at their job. They’re just doing the bare minimum required so they don’t get fired.

Back in the 1980s, I distinctly remember hearing about this exact same phenomenon occurring in communist countries. It’s what happens when you have a system that doesn’t reward high performers. You end up with a workforce that has no incentive to do anything outside the bare minimum. This leads to economic stagnation and rot.

This has been happening in America for awhile but it accelerated in the midst of the virus hoax.

You can’t blame the worker for this. Most organizations do not adequately reward people who go above and beyond the call of duty. So there’s no real point for people to go the extra mile. I mean, why bother working your ass off if all you’ll get is a three percent raise when real inflation is probably around 20 percent if not higher?

The increase of this phenomenon is a sign that we are living under a communist system that is descending deeper into communism.

Anybody with any understanding of history knows that these systems don’t work and usually end quite badly. America under this system will be no different. If Karl Marx were alive today, he’d find much to like about America in 2022.